Monday 14 March 2011

Reckless driver faces jail after drunken antics

A28 from Canterbury to Ashford

A drunk driver who was arrested by police after his car was spotted travelling with only three tyres faces a jail term after appearing in court this morning.

Daniel Clark, 31, from Ashford, appeared before Canterbury magistrates where he admitted to three charges.

The court heard how Clark had been out drinking in Canterbury when he drove his car home along the A28 road. A member of the public contacted police after they noticed the car was missing a tyre and driving along on the rim.

Mr Clark was seen driving in excess of the varying speed limits on the stretch of road between Ashford and Canterbury despite the fact that the had only three tyres.

Once arrested after a 15 minute chase Mr Clark became very abusive and screamed: "You all think you're f****** macho, you're all f****** c****."

The defendant is to appear at Canterbury Crown Court for sentencing later this year.

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