Tuesday 15 March 2011

Olympic Games creates voluntary job opportunities

Olympic Games hit London in 2012

As tickets for the 2012 Olympic Games go on sale today, millions of people will be hoping to confirm their place at the historic event.  Alongside this, thousands of volunteers are awaiting response for once-in-a-lifetime job opportunities.

Since the application process opened in February, around 3,500 potential ‘Games Makers’ have taken part in interviews. After the economic recession, jobs have been hard to come by, so the new wave of opportunities created by the Olympics is great news.

Over the next year, thousands more are set to be interviewed – around 300 every day.

Journalism student at Canterbury Christ Church University, James Crouch, is hopeful his application will be successful. He said: “It was quite a long winded process, so I’m hoping my time was worth it. It would be a perfect graduation present. To walk out and know I have some kind of job working at the Olympics would be brilliant.”

Find out how to apply for your tickets here.

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