Tuesday 15 March 2011

Canterbury hit by Census

Surveys are on their way

Questionnaires are to be posted through Canterbury letterboxes this month as the 2011 Census begins.

The survey documents will become one of the biggest ever single mail-outs made by the Royal Mail with TV broadcasts raising public awareness for the Census Day on March 27.

This will be the first Census to include new personal questions on civil partnerships, second homes and immigration.

Many people have questioned the Census and whether it invades their privacy.

Michelle Lewis, a housewife from Sturry, said: “Personally, I haven’t a problem with the survey, it seems only people who have things to hide have issues with it.”

Census has been done to accumulate the population of the country and its peoples needs.

It is against the law to incomplete the survey.

However, the government isn’t in favour of the £482m operation. Francis Maude, the Cabinet Minister, claims: “We are looking for ways of doing this that will provide better, quicker information, more frequently.” He also claims that Census is “out of date almost before its done”.

Hear peoples views on this years Census below:

Census 2011 Voxpops by drew790

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