Monday 14 March 2011

Disqualified driver fined again in court for failing to retake test

Example of a Driving Test score sheet

A driver who was ordered by a court to retake his test again after he was arrested for driving without insurance was caught by police just two months later.

Driver James Thomas appeared before Canterbury magistrates this morning where he told the court he had not realised he was effectively disqualified.

Any driver who receives six points on their licence within two years of passing their test faces a re-test.

Magistrates were told that Thomas was first caught in June last year, driving an uninsured van. He received six penalty points and a fine. The 21 year old was also ordered to retake the driving test as his licence was being revoked.

Thomas claimed in court today that he had not realised and when he was pulled over by police two days before Christmas last year, he was in trouble again.

The magistrate pointed out that “ignorance is not a defence” but gave credit to Thomas for admitting to the charge on the first hearing.

The lowest possible sentence was given.

Thomas received three points on his licence and a fine of £117. In addition he must pay costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £15.

The court also said that there was still an outstanding charge of £300 from Thomas’ previous sentence. 

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